Are you desperately wanting to be loved?

We live in a world where it’s extremely hard to fight sexually temptation because it’s every where you turn, in TV, Music, books, movies, ads, school, work, social media, and the internet.

My generation is one filled with money hungry desires and sexual conquests. If you were never that type of person, society has probably changed your views. When your constantly submerged in a world with these things you start to accept them and conform.11989010_916415301744964_734654743_n

There is a bible verse that I recently saw that had me humble myself, which is something what we all need to do, because if we don’t we will lose ourselves to this world.

 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and the perfect will of God. — Romans 12:21573857-bigthumbnail

Not everything you see and think you can do is okay, because the world has accepted it. Having a mind of your own is something that is lost in this world. People flock to what everyone thinks is “hot” or “lit” at the moment. Why is it that you can’t decide what “hot” or not without social influences?

We desperately want to be loved by everyone. But what about loving yourself, and putting yourself above others? Women are known to give themselves (mind, body, and soul) to a man that doesn’t respect them; all because she’s yearning to be loved. Some women come from troubled homes, with parents who neglected them, and didn’t show enough affection while growing up. It’s not uncommon for us women to look for that in a man to fill those holes that are missing. I am not saying it’s completely wrong to do that, however it’s wrong when you give that man all your power.

When I think of sex, I believe it should be something special that two consenting adults share with one another. Its a mental and physical connection that explodes into a deeper connection. Men and some women don’t respect the purpose that sex was created for, and take it to a level where I constantly hear “ it doesn’t matter what my body count is, as long as I aint hurting anyone, I’m good.”


*Please respect my personal opinion*

Sex is something that people do to explore their bodies, however for MYSELF I don’t want a high body count (large number of sexual partners)

Being in the millennial generation, we don’t value each other enough to be honest about our intentions, and overall feelings. We use others to get what we want and move on with our lives, as if we didn’t affect someone else.

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