Immune System Booster During the Quarantine


During the quarantine you guys are running to the store to stock up on Vitamin C to boost your immune system. But I’m here to let you know that there are other ways you can achieve the same results with other methods. I went to a Natural Grocers store and stocked up on Oregano Oil, Elderberry, Kick Ass Immune Activator, and Black Seed Oil. Also purchased some essential oils which are great for diffusing. 

As I mentioned in my previous post Oregano Oil is my go to oil at the moment. It is an all natural  antibiotic and anti-inflammatory which is perfect for the CoronaVirus.

Elderberry is great because it alleviates respiratory conditions and cuts your cold & flu time in half. It’s also high in vitamin A, B, C, and potassium.

The Kick Ass Immune Activator is made from a combination of organic herbs and natural ingredients and includes Echinacea root, & Golden seal.

Echinacea purpurea root – fights all sorts of infections and stimulates cell activity and growth.

Golden seal root – has astringent, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, 

Yerba Santa leaf – has been used by the Native Americans to treat sore throat, coughs, colds, flu, bronchial congestion, and asthma.

Yarrow aerials – provides remedy for colds, fever, and flu.

Black seed oil is also amazing for just about EVERYTHING!! It has been known to help those with high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, cough, headache, eczema, fever, dizziness, the flu, just to name a few.

#staysafe #staycafeouthere #nongomo #immuneboost #immunesupport #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthy #elderberry #zinc #seamoss #oreganooil #vitamins #minerals #cold&flu  #coronavirus #healthyhabits #healthyliving #blackseedoil #Echinacea #medicalmedium

Relentless Pursuit

The day has finally arrived when I can share with you all what I have been working on. I have been battling depression for some time now and I took my energy and put it into something POSITIVE. With the strength of God and using various exercises that are featured inside this book I was able to make it through.




This workbook offers you a new way to evaluate your thoughts, tap into your inner being, set goals, plan ahead, gain self love, and be spiritually fluid. By thinking things through and writing them down, you can truly attract what you want and make the progress you desire. This workbook is available as a PDF download that you can print or fill in online.

Get your copy today by visiting



Are you a sellout for not supporting Black Owned Businesses?

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Question #1: Do you think black owned business overcharge their customers for regular items that may cost less? If so, why is that?

Personally I do believe that there are some places that do overcharge for some items that you can find else where for way less. I do understand that they need to make a profit, but sometimes it can be hard to instantly run to those shops when you know you can find a better deal. There can be many reasons for the pricing infrastructure, one being that the original cost of wholesale purchasing can be very high, or the store may want to target an audience with a larger budget, another reason could be that they want to profit quickly to cover the cost of other expenses.

Question #2: Should minorities be prone to only shop solely bb?

Question #3: Is it necessary to support B.O.B?

We all know businesses are not easy to open and operate. Facts state most business never make a profit for the first 2 years, and within the 1 year most quickly shut down; others have to file for bankruptcy unable to keep up with the finances.

Typically when business are operated by a race that one can identify themselves with, people tend to see that as an opportunity to ask for hand outs, freebies, and or discounts. For whatever reason they don’t believe they should have to pay full price for the item.

Question #4: Would it be considered selling out by not supporting them and going with a cheaper option?

There may be a misconception that those who don’t shop black owned stores are being cheap. Which may not be true, everyone finances are different and depending on where you are located geographically you may not find those stores close to your surrounding.

Question #5: But if there were shops within your surrounding would it be considered wrong if you still choose to go to a competing store?

There’s no harm in supporting all types of businesses. Living in America the land of opportunity, you are bound to find multiple businesses owned by several minorities, it may not be the one that you identify yourself with, however everyone has to make it somehow in this world. Going to school isn’t for everyone, and not everyone can be a nurse or a doctor. We all are fighting to make it in this world the best way we know how. If you can afford to support a business, they would graciously appreciate your contribution.

Question #6: Are black businesses trying to take over their industry?

Beauty supply industry:

In the beauty industry African Americas are the largest minority consumers but yet are not owners of any global beauty supply stores. Chinese business owners are profiting off this niche market as the beauty demand continues to rise. Unfortunately it is very hard for black women to gain back control of their industry and fully operate a beauty supply store with out having a connection to the Chinese; whom own and manufacture all of the materials needed.

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You are not “enough”

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. – Steve Maraboli


Women make the mistake of thinking of dates as an audition and if they perform well; men will cast them in the role of girlfriend and with any future luck, a wife.
For men a relationship isn’t real until the 10th date when they have made enough of an investment that continuing a relationship is a conscious decision. However, women are more prone to getting emotionally attached quickly, especially if sex is involved which leads them to greater affliction when a man isn’t trying to further the relationship.

Frequently I have been asking myself and God why haven’t I found the one.
All my friends have constantly been in relationships and I have been the faithfully single one. They’re girls who don’t even have to try and they are able to meet someone and connect but my situation has been vaguely different. I can meet someone have an amazing connection/conversation and vibe very well with but once the director calls cut and the curtains are drawn it’s over and done with. I haven’t been able to grasp why things haven’t been able to progress pass that.

When you casually seeing someone and haven’t seen any progression in that relationship you begin to wonder is there something wrong with you. Are you missing something that the other girls may have? Those thoughts will have you feeling insecure, when you really need to remind yourself NEVER compare yourself to another woman, and NEVER accept a man’s inability to see your worth, as you not having any.

Always remain confident and know your worth.


No one can define your worth but YOU and, no one will love you if you don’t love yourself first.



Allow yourself to let go of the people, thoughts, and situations that poison your well- being.

I am a strong believer that there is someone for everyone and your king is right around the corner, when the time is right you will cross paves.



                                                  You are enough!


Have you been in a position where you had to ask yourself “I am enough?”