Traveling when you’re young is very important because it allows you to see the world from a different perspective. Not everything you see on TV is factual; it’s better to see the world through your own eyes. Visiting other countries can also help you to appreciate what you have in your own country. Traveling gives you the opportunity to have various life changing experiences, while eating great food.

Take a look at the list of places I recommended for to go to.


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 If you are a big chicken lover, get ready for your month to water, because Nando’s has the best Peri – Peri style chicken ever ! Nando’s is a Portuguese style restaurant in London. Since I’ve been in London I have been a repeat customer for weeks. I only order the Chicken thighs with a side of spicy rice, corn, mashed potatoes, and Wild Herb sauce. The amount of flavor in this meal is pure heaven. Nando’s special Wild Herb sauce gives the meat an extra kick. The meat is marinated in a lemon herb, and pepper. Hands down the best thing I’ve eaten in London. If your ever in London or near any of there other locations be sure to check them out!

download (1)Nandos2



Comfortable walking shoes are an absolute MUST!! Sunblock, and sunglasses, a map are the essential tools that you will need if you are thinking of traveling to Venice, Italy.  ***Travelers Tip***


The amount of walking I did the in Venice in just the first day wore me out!! But at least I got to see everything and was able to take pictures. The food defiantly lived up to the expectations. However, I mostly saw a bunch of pizza places, I didn’t think that Italians ate that much pizza. I haven’t seen many places advertising pasta, polenta, and other typical Italian dishes. The 1st night I ordered lasagna, with toasted bread, and white wine, which was extremely fulling. After dinner we all went to get some gelato. I got the vanilla and mango flavored gelato. I am now a fan of gelato, it was so worth the wait. I defiantly have to come back to Italy, I would loved to see Rome and Florence. Spending a full 6 weeks in London is a long time to stay in that one area. It’s very expensive to live and travel around the area. You get more for your money in other places which is something that I wasn’t aware of prior to coming on this trip.

me on the gondola



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me on the gondola

Sarah and I


Being away is something I have been wanting for a long time now. Planning for things and actually being able to do it is completely different. Arriving at the airport is when reality set in. It’s a completely different experience you experience, it doesn’t compare to going away to school for the first time. The major differences that you experience is the culture shock, language barriers, money conversion, and of course the different people you encounter.

Now that I have completed my first week I must say being alone in another country away from your family and your social norms, makes you appreciate everything you have and the skills you learned. TRAVELING forces you to put everything to the test. It’s important to be smart, open-minded but still very cautious and safe. Before arriving, I did my share of research on studying abroad and everything I needed to know about coming to London. A lot of websites and blogs have left a lot of details out. Pervious study abroad students also failed to mention how school systems actually operate overseas. Majority only talk about what to pack, what to be aware of , and where they traveled to on the weekends. For a study abroad program talking about school should be the MAIN thing they talk about, and also provide tips to help you succeed.