Immune System Booster During the Quarantine


During the quarantine you guys are running to the store to stock up on Vitamin C to boost your immune system. But I’m here to let you know that there are other ways you can achieve the same results with other methods. I went to a Natural Grocers store and stocked up on Oregano Oil, Elderberry, Kick Ass Immune Activator, and Black Seed Oil. Also purchased some essential oils which are great for diffusing. 

As I mentioned in my previous post Oregano Oil is my go to oil at the moment. It is an all natural  antibiotic and anti-inflammatory which is perfect for the CoronaVirus.

Elderberry is great because it alleviates respiratory conditions and cuts your cold & flu time in half. It’s also high in vitamin A, B, C, and potassium.

The Kick Ass Immune Activator is made from a combination of organic herbs and natural ingredients and includes Echinacea root, & Golden seal.

Echinacea purpurea root – fights all sorts of infections and stimulates cell activity and growth.

Golden seal root – has astringent, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, 

Yerba Santa leaf – has been used by the Native Americans to treat sore throat, coughs, colds, flu, bronchial congestion, and asthma.

Yarrow aerials – provides remedy for colds, fever, and flu.

Black seed oil is also amazing for just about EVERYTHING!! It has been known to help those with high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, cough, headache, eczema, fever, dizziness, the flu, just to name a few.

#staysafe #staycafeouthere #nongomo #immuneboost #immunesupport #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthy #elderberry #zinc #seamoss #oreganooil #vitamins #minerals #cold&flu  #coronavirus #healthyhabits #healthyliving #blackseedoil #Echinacea #medicalmedium


Traveling when you’re young is very important because it allows you to see the world from a different perspective. Not everything you see on TV is factual; it’s better to see the world through your own eyes. Visiting other countries can also help you to appreciate what you have in your own country. Traveling gives you the opportunity to have various life changing experiences, while eating great food.

Take a look at the list of places I recommended for to go to.


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Being away is something I have been wanting for a long time now. Planning for things and actually being able to do it is completely different. Arriving at the airport is when reality set in. It’s a completely different experience you experience, it doesn’t compare to going away to school for the first time. The major differences that you experience is the culture shock, language barriers, money conversion, and of course the different people you encounter.

Now that I have completed my first week I must say being alone in another country away from your family and your social norms, makes you appreciate everything you have and the skills you learned. TRAVELING forces you to put everything to the test. It’s important to be smart, open-minded but still very cautious and safe. Before arriving, I did my share of research on studying abroad and everything I needed to know about coming to London. A lot of websites and blogs have left a lot of details out. Pervious study abroad students also failed to mention how school systems actually operate overseas. Majority only talk about what to pack, what to be aware of , and where they traveled to on the weekends. For a study abroad program talking about school should be the MAIN thing they talk about, and also provide tips to help you succeed.


Stepping off the plane was me stepping into the real world, where I was forced to grow up and be an adult. The university did not provide any transportation from the airport to the school, so I had to follow subway directions and walk to the school on my own. My first few days in London have not been what I imagined it to be. My expectations have not been met. I hate to complain but I have not had the best first couple of days. I guess I am feeling homesick. I noticed that the group of girls that came together mainly stick together, which is good and bad. The girls formed a  clique, and I feel like an outsider. I do tend to fade into the background of a large group, however I feel like I made a lot of progress in Cortland to not be invisible. I don’t want to go backwards. I am loving my progression I am a lot happier and comfortable with myself. Although I am able to do my own thing in Cortland and go out alone, I don’t really want to go out alone here especially since things are not that close to the campus and I am in a foreign country. Stepping out of my comfort zone is all apart of this entire experience.540_293_resize_20130501_12258ee3bd1e1cebd377e65015b2e913_jpg