


My decision to go natural was an unexpected decision I made 3 years ago. My initial desire was to improve the health of my hair and to increase its length. I began relaxing my hair at a very young age, I’ve always had very kinky/ coarse hair. Relaxing my hair made it more manageable, but I began to realize that I was constantly relaxing my hair very often. In 2009, Chris Rock came out with his “Good Hair” documentary with hopes of learning what the definition of good hair was. His daughters expressed their feelings of how them not having “good hair”. During his journey he informed all women on the dangers of what chemically processing your hair does. From watching the movie, I self actualized my own definition of good hair. Natural hair has become a movement in itself. It’s becoming more acceptable worldwide and in most work places. Women of Color truly have beautiful hair textures, none are like, making every women unique in her own way. Embracing your curls may be hard to do when your not used to it, but once you do you’ll never regret it.

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