Traveling when you’re young is very important because it allows you to see the world from a different perspective. Not everything you see on TV is factual; it’s better to see the world through your own eyes. Visiting other countries can also help you to appreciate what you have in your own country. Traveling gives you the opportunity to have various life changing experiences, while eating great food.

Take a look at the list of places I recommended for to go to.


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B-A-R-C-E-L-O-N-A !!!!!

When you are abroad you can’t just stay in one place. The beauty of being in London is that you can fly out to any other country you want and arrive within 3 hours. My friend Chelsea and I booked tickets to go Spain for a few days and we had the most AMAZING time in Spain. We checked into theSantJordi Hostel for two nights right near theSagradaFamilia. For 60 Euros a night we each got a private dorm like room, with a shared kitchen, a living room, a balcony, and bathroom. At the hostel we were able to meet local friends and other people traveling. Our new friends from Germany and Canada took us out clubbing our first night. We danced all night till the sun came up. On our second day, Chelsea and I spent hours at the Barceloneta beach. Getting tanned, sipping mojitos, taking selfies, and dragged down by the ocean waves. Our day was full of well-needed R&R (rest and relaxation) there’s no better feeling than resting on the beach with the peaceful ocean waves in the background and the sun in your face.

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Through many trials and tribulations I always put my faith first and let GOD place his will for me. It is he who spoke to me and allowed my desires to come to pass. My love for traveling has been in my heart since I was a little girl,  now that I am older I would love to do it more on my own with hopes of finding myself. Which is why I believe the lord has presented this opportunity for me to study abroad in LONDON!!