
I wouldn’t recommended anyone taking summer courses abroad unless your fully committed to taking on long classes and extensive assignments. But honestly it all depends on the program you’re in.

My teachers seemed to forget that it is summer and not a full semester. Students are not trying to take on a full course load in just 6 weeks. Everything in class was taken so seriously. It’s hard to take two 3-hour courses when it’s summer. You just want to relax and hang out all the time. It became very frustrating because in both classes I took, we had a group project. It was the worst!! In my marketing class I did all the work for our presentation. The day before the presentation my partner decided they wanted to contribute 1 slide out of 17 slides and remove the images I carefully selected without giving me the chance to cite them. Sitting the images in your work is apparently a bigger deal in the UK. My partner submitted the presentations without notifying me of the changes. When I expressed to her how she made me feel, she went and told all her friends that I attacked her. Which is completely ridiculous=/


My FAVORITEEEEEE thing to eat in Espana is PAELLA!!!!!

Paella is a yellow rice dish with shrimp, mussels, calamari, chicken, vegetables, beans, and a lot of saffron seasoning. Paella has so much flavor packed inside this one little dish, making it almost impossible to want to eat anything else. It’s very popular to eat in Spain along with a glass of wine, or sangria.

IMG_8821  Spanish-Paella-MixtaIMG_8840