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It’s a new year so I decided to switch up my look a little bit, by getting my hair blown out at a Dominican hair salon. I normally get this done once or twice a year due to the fact that this style doesn’t last long. My hair is SO THICK, it refuses to stay in this style for more than a week. Also excessive heat styling is very damaging to your hair.

I have a love, hate relationship with Dominican hair salons. Every time I go, they complain about having to do my hair, saying“ It’s hard to detangle, I have a lot of hair, and it’s too kinky.” The blow dryers they use are EVERYTHINNGGGGGGG!!! I want to buy one, but I don’t want to burn myself. The temperature on the blow dryers are extremely high which allows my hair to get straight. But it’s not an easy process, after they detangled my hair the torture began. I was shaking in my seat, sweating like a dog, trying to hold back tears from the pain. Between all the heat and the hair pulling, I couldn’t take it! But hey it was all worth it. The stylist wrapped my hair up and I took it down the next day, and it looks AMAZING!!!

For the first time I can actually say that I truly love the way my hair looks. I am very happy with the length, the breakage that I had in the front grew back. (Thanks to my Wild Growth Oil, and Jamaican Castor Oil, and Peppermint Oil) I was constantly flat ironing my leave out when I had a weave in, without a heat protective. Sadly the bangs in the front of my hairline fell out. It took forever to grow back, which is why I switched over to closures and braids/ twists. Trust me ladies you don’t want your hair to fall out, so be careful with all the heat.

I have been playing in my hair all day, and getting as many selfies as I can. Hopefully this style last longer now that its cold out. I would love to hear your experiences if you have gone to any dominican hair salons. Fill free to comment below !