You are not “enough”

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. – Steve Maraboli


Women make the mistake of thinking of dates as an audition and if they perform well; men will cast them in the role of girlfriend and with any future luck, a wife.
For men a relationship isn’t real until the 10th date when they have made enough of an investment that continuing a relationship is a conscious decision. However, women are more prone to getting emotionally attached quickly, especially if sex is involved which leads them to greater affliction when a man isn’t trying to further the relationship.

Frequently I have been asking myself and God why haven’t I found the one.
All my friends have constantly been in relationships and I have been the faithfully single one. They’re girls who don’t even have to try and they are able to meet someone and connect but my situation has been vaguely different. I can meet someone have an amazing connection/conversation and vibe very well with but once the director calls cut and the curtains are drawn it’s over and done with. I haven’t been able to grasp why things haven’t been able to progress pass that.

When you casually seeing someone and haven’t seen any progression in that relationship you begin to wonder is there something wrong with you. Are you missing something that the other girls may have? Those thoughts will have you feeling insecure, when you really need to remind yourself NEVER compare yourself to another woman, and NEVER accept a man’s inability to see your worth, as you not having any.

Always remain confident and know your worth.


No one can define your worth but YOU and, no one will love you if you don’t love yourself first.



Allow yourself to let go of the people, thoughts, and situations that poison your well- being.

I am a strong believer that there is someone for everyone and your king is right around the corner, when the time is right you will cross paves.



                                                  You are enough!


Have you been in a position where you had to ask yourself “I am enough?”