Sorry for the delay but here’s an update on my experience at the 2016 International Natural Hair Meetup Day that took place May 21st at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Brooklyn, NY, presented by NaturalPartnersinCrime.

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International Natural Hair Meetup Day (INHMD) is an annual one-day event whose purpose is to allow an opportunity for women worldwide to meet in their own communities while networking, sharing, and virtually meeting other women participating in same day meetups around the world Natural hair meetups are events designed to inform, share, inspire, and aid individuals in their natural hair journey.

Being natural has introduced millions of women to a whole new world and journey of self love and acceptance. This new found community has brought women together to join forces and share their beauty secrets, hair tips without any judgement or hatred towards each other. This is the second event that I’ve gone to that NaturalPartnersinCrime has hosted and I will continue to attend more. I love the way women can come together as a unit to put on this amazing event!Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 9.44.46 PM

Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 9.44.04 PMThere were a lot of beautiful women in attendance showing off their beautiful tresses styled effortlessly ready to shop and interact with their Curlfriends.

In attendance were some amazing Hair and skin vendors such as Eden BodyWorks, Design Essentials,Mielle Organics Palmers Coco Butter, Made Beautiful  Uncle Funky’s Daughter, Obia Naturals and many others were present. Also Kinky Curly Yaki, natural hair extensions vendor had their booth set up. If you never heard of them they’re an amazing hair line that offers textures that mimic 4a/b/c patterns. In which you can ordering kinky hair bundles for protective styles like wigs and clip-in extensions for added volume.

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Eden Body Works
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Mielle Organics
The Wrap Life
The Wrap Life
Kinky Yaki Curly
Kinky Curly Yaki

If you weren’t one of the first 150 guests to arrive on time to get your complimentary swag bag full of natural hair goodies and skin care products, you surely missed out! I definitely made sure I was there on time to receive mine, and I don’t regret that at all. Those who missed out were drooling over the size of our bags, eagerly looking to get a sneak peek of what we had. They learned that when NaturalPartnersinCrime puts together an event you have to be on time. ( I guess the saying is true: The early bird gets the worm)
Some of my favorite items were the Palmer’s Coconut Lotion & sunscreen, Eden Body Works Co-wash, Design Essentials Natural Curling Custard, TheMane Choice Leave in, and the Wrap Life head wraps.
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Swag Bag Sponsors Included:
























If you are looking for a new protective style to change-up your look or just to protect your hair for a moment, faux locs might be the style for you.

Many girls have a love/ hate relationship with faux locs. Some have said that they have been damaging to their hair, and it doesn’t help that the process typically takes about 6-12 hours to do. I personally have had faux locs in the past and I have NO MAJOR complaints about it. I LOVED this style. I didn’t have any damage to my hair like some other people experienced. (Major Key: Ladies know when to take your hairstyles OUT, everything has an expiration date!)

There many different ways to install this style, and I think crochet braids are the easiest way to get them done under 6 hours. Crochet braids require minimal effort to install and they are less damaging to your hair than other protective styles.

You can wash faux locs just as you would you own hair. Also, be sure to moisturize and oil your scalp weekly to protect your hair for the duration of your faux loc protective style.

First things first your going to need your packaged hair, a crochet needle, and a comb.

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It’s a new year so I decided to switch up my look a little bit, by getting my hair blown out at a Dominican hair salon. I normally get this done once or twice a year due to the fact that this style doesn’t last long. My hair is SO THICK, it refuses to stay in this style for more than a week. Also excessive heat styling is very damaging to your hair.

I have a love, hate relationship with Dominican hair salons. Every time I go, they complain about having to do my hair, saying“ It’s hard to detangle, I have a lot of hair, and it’s too kinky.” The blow dryers they use are EVERYTHINNGGGGGGG!!! I want to buy one, but I don’t want to burn myself. The temperature on the blow dryers are extremely high which allows my hair to get straight. But it’s not an easy process, after they detangled my hair the torture began. I was shaking in my seat, sweating like a dog, trying to hold back tears from the pain. Between all the heat and the hair pulling, I couldn’t take it! But hey it was all worth it. The stylist wrapped my hair up and I took it down the next day, and it looks AMAZING!!!

For the first time I can actually say that I truly love the way my hair looks. I am very happy with the length, the breakage that I had in the front grew back. (Thanks to my Wild Growth Oil, and Jamaican Castor Oil, and Peppermint Oil) I was constantly flat ironing my leave out when I had a weave in, without a heat protective. Sadly the bangs in the front of my hairline fell out. It took forever to grow back, which is why I switched over to closures and braids/ twists. Trust me ladies you don’t want your hair to fall out, so be careful with all the heat.

I have been playing in my hair all day, and getting as many selfies as I can. Hopefully this style last longer now that its cold out. I would love to hear your experiences if you have gone to any dominican hair salons. Fill free to comment below !

Lord Please Bless Me

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 12.30.45 AMCan the Lord just bless me with this amazing looking Afro. I am on my way to achieving my ultimate hair goal. 

Until then I will continue with my daily regimen of deep conditioning, eating healthy, taking vitamins, and protective styling. I also need to find a really good moisturizer. My hair is so DRYYYY AND ROUGH. Let me know what kinds of moisturizers you guys are using and what you would recommend for 4c hair. 

I just bought some Jamaican Black castor oil  which I’ve heard great things about it. I decided to stop being cheap and just buy it. I am hoping that it will help me grow out the damage I have in the front of my hair.  ** Special tip for those who wear weaves and leave hair out in the front try to not use excessive heat.  You will damage your hair. You don’t want to have your hair break off. (trust me I learned the hard way)

 Right now I have faux locs In my hair and I love it.IMG_9894IMG_9897IMG_9901IMG_9824

They took a long time to do and people charge and arm and a leg for them but i defiantly want to get them again. Other people have had bad  experiences with them but so far

Mine has been good overall. Except for the fact that when you burn the ends of the hair they stick together which is a nightmare to deal with.  This is a great style for all seasons and is great trend for college students.

For now lets us pray that the lord will bless my hair and allow me to achieve the fro of my dreams and make others envy me–Amen lol