
Comfortable walking shoes are an absolute MUST!! Sunblock, and sunglasses, a map are the essential tools that you will need if you are thinking of traveling to Venice, Italy.  ***Travelers Tip***


The amount of walking I did the in Venice in just the first day wore me out!! But at least I got to see everything and was able to take pictures. The food defiantly lived up to the expectations. However, I mostly saw a bunch of pizza places, I didn’t think that Italians ate that much pizza. I haven’t seen many places advertising pasta, polenta, and other typical Italian dishes. The 1st night I ordered lasagna, with toasted bread, and white wine, which was extremely fulling. After dinner we all went to get some gelato. I got the vanilla and mango flavored gelato. I am now a fan of gelato, it was so worth the wait. I defiantly have to come back to Italy, I would loved to see Rome and Florence. Spending a full 6 weeks in London is a long time to stay in that one area. It’s very expensive to live and travel around the area. You get more for your money in other places which is something that I wasn’t aware of prior to coming on this trip.

me on the gondola



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me on the gondola

Sarah and I


It’s only been two days and I must say that I truly LOVE Italy. It really makes me think, why didn’t I just come here all along. Italy has so much culture, that I love and can relate to. I feel very comfortable being here. The environment makes me feel like I am supposed to be here. London has its own type of culture but it’s completely different here. London reminds me of New York way to much. Italy has its people, food, Italian language, hospitality, canals, gondolas, and of course the warm weather, BEACHES. Not to mention the Euro’s  are a lot better. The exchange rate is better than the British pounds, and things are cheaper, so I feel comfortable to spend more money here. Venice is a small tourist area. Everywhere I visited had venders selling selfie sticks. You’ll also find African’s selling purses on the streets, and of course there’s a bunch of shops with scarfs, hats, souvenirs, necklaces, bracelets,etc. Venice is such a small place located between water so there are no cars on the main island, you have to walk everywhere and/ or take a boat.

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